Here at Lauren Brimhall Photography, we shoot weddings all over the country. Some of the places we’ve worked include Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Alabama, Utah, and recently Laura and Dave’s wedding at the Hotel Dupont in Wilmington allowed us to add Delaware to the list.

We second shot this wedding for one of our good friends in PA, Jim Heine, so this is just a small, random sampling of images from the event.

After the ceremony, Laura and Dave made a quick stop by Laura’s grandmother’s house so her bed-ridden grandmother could see her in her wedding gown and take a few photos together. It was the most emotional part of the day.

It was already dark by the time we reached the reception venue so we decided to take advantage of the beautiful lobby at the Hotel Dupont for Bride and Groom Photos.

Once picture time was out of the way, the order of events went cocktail hour, introductions, dances, speeches and then party party party!