They say, “Home is where the heart is,” and my heart will be with Sean, Austin (our two-year-old), and our future son… no matter where in the world life takes us.

As many of you know, I have roots in the Northeast, having grown up in the Philadelphia suburbs, living in New York for about seven years, then moving over to Northeast Pennsylvania, and finally to Colorado in 2011. Colorado is the most beautiful and friendly place I’ve ever lived, but I miss the other pieces of my heart… my family.

Since leaving the Northeast, I have missed so much. This year that list includes the last Christmas I would have ever had with my beloved brother who passed away in a tragic accident this past April. It was the first Christmas he’d been to in over a decade. The emotional impact of his loss has opened my eyes to the truly finite amount of time we have with the people we love on this earth, and it’s time to start making the most of whatever we can get.

Sean is an amazing husband, who sympathizes with my feelings and has facilitated a move to Atlantic City, New Jersey, which is as close as we could get to my family in the Philadelphia Suburbs. In the same way I sacrificed for him when we moved to Colorado in this POST, years later he is doing the same for me. I’m honored to be an example of the give and take that a good marriage should be.

As of now, my plan is to fulfill any existing wedding obligations here in Colorado, but we will no longer be booking in this area.  Our service areas will now include; the entire state of New Jersey, Philadelphia and the surrounding areas, New York City, Baltimore, D.C., Northern Delaware and Eastern Maryland. Our plans to scale back the business are also still in effect, so we will be taking only a small number of select clients from these areas moving forward in order to facilitate re-building old relationships and making new memories.

We have spent the last six years being part of and documenting other people’s most momentous occasions in life… it’s time to start taking some time away to celebrate our own. So South Jersey, here we come!


Day in the Life Photos by Jim Heine Photography