There is something to be said for just feeling free to be your true self in front of others. To throw the anxiety of being judged by others away, and being just plain happy in your own skin. As for Mark and Marleigh, they’ve got it mastered. Needless to say, their friends and family, along with every other guest at their wedding, absolutely love them for it… as do I.
I adored how Marleigh, who seemed a bit reserved at our initial meeting, surprised me at every turn. She was a firecracker with a no-holds-barred sense of humor, and even stopped to take moments here and there to truly appreciate that, “This wonderful thing is happening to me.” Too many brides get so wrapped up in all the little details of the event itself, that in over 200 weddings, I’ve never seen or heard of any of them outwardly taking that serene moment of appreciation.
What’s even more amazing is that Marleigh’s mother told me that Marleigh wasn’t always so free with her personality, and that it wasn’t until she met Mark that she finally came out of her shell to more people. Everyone was thrilled to discover a truly amazingly unique person underneath. Now, thanks to Mark, the whole world has the benefit of getting to know the real Marleigh.
To the lovely bride and groom, you clearly complement one another in every way, and I fully expect you to someday be that last couple on the dance floor during some, “Who has been married the longest” dance at another friend’s wedding 40 years from now. Congratulations, and I’m beyond happy for you both.
Big thanks to Sean for shooting with me again this weekend! Awesome job with the guys as always!
And prepare yourself for adorable flower-girl overkill… I’m sorry, I just couldn’t cull these down any further.
Kuddos to the couple for making the call to risk the impending rain to have the ceremony outdoors… the wind only made the photos even better!
Gotta hand it to Sean again for rocking so many of these dance-floor shots!
Finally, big thanks to Caroline from A Professional Bridesmaid for allowing Mark and Marleigh to have a worry-free day, knowing you had everything handled!
Love!!!! Thanks!
Proud MOB!