Ballerina Bridals

So you know the saying “Sometimes things don’t work out how you planned, but they somehow work out anyway?” Well, that’s a pretty accurate description for what happened with a bridal shoot I had scheduled with five models in Salt Lake City, Utah. Everything was set up...

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Kiwis to Coconuts

So I simply couldn’t wait for my second post about the trip, because frankly, New Zealand Photos kick Australia Photos’ butts! What I encountered in New Zealand were some of the most beautiful landscapes I’ve ever seen and I could only hope to do them justice in...

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From the Land Down Under!

Some days I just wake up painfully aware of how different my life would be had I never met my husband. Besides the fact I would have never had the opportunity to become a photographer, all of my dreams of traveling the world would have forever remained repeated and...

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First Maternity Session!

So there are some women out there who get pregnant and suddenly seem like they were just BORN to be mothers. They enjoy every stage in the process, from morning sickness to swollen fingers and toes; anything that sends a message from their baby: “Hey, I’m in here!” I...

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Sandy & Jeff Engaged!

Before yesterday, it felt like FOREVER since I had picked up my camera. I spent almost an entire week in the hospital after being left with serious complications following my emergency appendectomy. Sandy contacted me just when I had finally been sent home to schedule...

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What’s My Age Again?

When telemarketers call my house, they ask for my mom or dad; about once a year, I get carded for a rated R movie at the theater; and if I leave the house without ID, there’s no point in even trying to order a drink. Yep, that’s me: the photographer who sounds like...

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